We would like to warmly welcome all the new international students to missouri s&t family and this marks the begining of ISC’s latest initiative, the “buddy program”. Officers and volunteers of ISC volunteered their time to help any international student who need help to get things started in Rolla. We partnered with International affairs office…Continue Reading Buddy Program Launch
You are invited to come and join us to relieve stress from school at ISC’s Fall 2017 Potluck. As it is a Potluck, we encourage you to bring some food. There will be giveaways for our members. For more details about the location click here….Continue Reading Potluck

We are very excited announce that we won the best organization award at homecoming 2017 while our King and Queen won the 1st runners up. We are so proud that we won those awards as 1st time contender at homecoming event. We are planning to engage in more campus activities in the future. Shout out…Continue Reading Homecoming
Miners in Service
In 1917 Missouri S&T was mobilized to serve at world war 1.Celebrating 100th anniversary of the incident, the theme for homecoming is Miners in Service. So ISC decided to recreate a military hospital for table decoration contest and while waiting for judges, we decided to do a small skit. Enjoy!! We hope to see you all at…Continue Reading Miners in Service
Vote for King and Queen
Vote for ISC Homecoming King and Queen here: https://orgsync.com/81995/forms/287669…Continue Reading Vote for King and Queen
Officer of the Month (September)
Hello to our officers of the month and the officer who clocked the most time for six flag ticket sale. Idrees Ahmadi (not in the photos, currently participating in a conference) and Minji Seo were the officers of month, they worked a lot since the day of retreat and went above and beyond for the…Continue Reading Officer of the Month (September)
Six Flags Trip
ISC trip to Six flag was a huge success. We hope everyone had fun.Here is a cool video from our Six Flags trip! To get information about more fun events like this, like our facebook page or follow us on Instagram ISC_mst …Continue Reading Six Flags Trip
Naruto Run
Here is the video of the Naruto Run organized by the International Students Club at Missouri S&T We would like to thanks everyone who participated. video Credits : Henry Bergin https://www.facebook.com/iscmst/videos/1848355425193773/…Continue Reading Naruto Run
General Meeting
International Students Club invites EVERYONE (Yes ALL THE STUDENTS, Local or international) to come attend our General Meeting this Tuesday @ 5pm. There will be FREE ICE CREAM 🍨🍦🍧❄…Continue Reading General Meeting
Get ready for Six Flags
ISC – Six Flags Trip…Continue Reading Get ready for Six Flags