Month: October 2018

Homecoming King & Queen Winners

ISC at Homecoming 2018: 🥇 ISC is Organization Winner at MinerFest. Congratulations to all our members !!! Well done !!! Congratulations to Ketul on being the 1st runner up for Homecoming king 👑!!! And congratulations to Tamar for being the second runner up for Homecoming Queen 👸!!!…Continue Reading Homecoming King & Queen Winners


ISC is participating in Homecoming festivities again! This year we have our own Homecoming King and Queen candidates. Our Homecoming King is Ketul Patel. He is our Treasurer and a senior in Information Science and Technology.  Our Homecoming queen is Tamar Makharashvili. She is our Secretary and a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering. Follow the…Continue Reading Homecoming